1st Graders are starting to make papier-mâché  masks.  We dipped strips of paper into GOO (art paste)  and smoothed them onto face forms.  We created about 6 layers going different directions. They made one layer with the strips going across the face and then switched to make the second layer with strips go up and down the face.  The masks are currently drying.  I wish you could have been in the room to hear all of the conversation about how cold and gooey the papier-mâché paste was! It was quite hilarious.

Not all classes have started the papier-mâché yet.  I only have enough forms for 2 classes at a time.  Once they are dry, the students will pick a mood or expression that they want their mask to communicate. Then, they’ll decide if that mood is best shown with warm colors or cool colors.  They’ll use those colors to paint their masks. We’ll decorate with beads/yarn/etc.  after the paint is dry.  This builds on the warm and cool landscape collage/painting we are making. It gives students another way to interact with warm and cool colors and use the color wheel/mixing skills we practiced before that!


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